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IElectrix was present at the Flex 2.1 Webinar


The webinar entitled “Flexibility 2.1: From Single-Building Demand Response to Local Energy Communities” was organized on the 15th March. 

This webinar is a follow-up to the workshop “Flexibility 2.0” that took place during the Sustainable Places 2020 event. IElectrix participated alongside 14 other H2020 projects.

This public free live event aimed to bring together a wide range of H2020 projects that deal with Demand Response issues at different levels, in order to share each other’s perspective and approach to the topic.  

Each project had 10 minutes to present itself. Pierre-Jacques Le Quellec (Enedis) gave a general overview on IElectrix and Markus Resch (Energie Güssing) focused on STROM Güssing, the Austrian demonstration, and its Human-centric Demand Response Framework.

In Güssing, while there were no demand response framework, the STROM Güssing Team imagined and implemented all the process to involve the consumer in the project and provide flexibility to the system. Smartness of the network and tools are fundamental to ensure this challenge. This approach is fully aligned with the will to turn the consumer into prosumer and sensibilise them to the energy transition.